That's right!  The , and user groups are joining forces to on 5/3/2008 at the University of Iowa Conference Center in Iowa City, IA!!

You might be asking, what is a code camp? Well, here are some of the basic ideas:

  • Its for and by developers
  • Free (for attendees)
  • All about code, not PowerPoint presentations
  • What you present on should be available to share with people who attend
  • Never during work hours, hence usually on Saturday

What a code camp is not:

  • Corporate product placement
  • Marketing
  • Powerpoint centric

We are looking for developers who want to tell other developers about cool developer things they are doing. Topics they really care about.  If you are working with .Net, Ruby, PHP, Java, Rails, Python, <fill in the blank> and you want to tell other people about it, then consider submitting a speaking proposal.

If you want to be a speaker, Greg Wilson is who you need to talk to greg-at-solidrockstable-dot-com.  Just so you know we are already almost 1/2 full for speakers already.

If you want to help sponsor, contact me at javier-at-lozanotek-com.

Let me know if you have any other questions at christophersutton-at-yahoo-dot-com or you want to help out in any other way.

Our site is if you want to keep up with what happens.  If you have a twitter account you can follow us at !

Remember this an event FOR developers BY developers, so we need you to help us make it succeed!