April 2006 Entries

Jeff Brand, an author?

  Sorry Jeff, I just had to share this wit you.

posted @ Sunday, April 30, 2006 10:21 PM | Feedback (611)

Currently Reading

Decided to pick up this book by Joe Duffy. I'm a follower of Joe's blog and love the information he shares on the inner workings of the CLR. I think the thing that "sealed the deal" was the table of IL instructions as an appendix in the back of the book. &nbps; Yes, I'm a sick individual. ;-)

posted @ Sunday, April 30, 2006 9:39 PM | Feedback (611)

Another Side Project: dominiclozano.com

That's right, a while back, I bought a domain name for my son, Dominic Lozano, so I can share pictures and other info with relatives.  Granted, all of his pictures are nicely stored in Flickr, but the URL is a little long.  Don't get me wrong, I love Flickr and all of its features, but it's hard to relay such information to people that are “everyday” web users.  To bridge the two worlds, I've incorporated Flickr.NET to pull set information from his Flickr set to his photos page.  It only took me a couple minutes to write up (after I got a an API key).  Any way, I've...

posted @ Wednesday, April 26, 2006 9:41 PM | Feedback (611)

Heartland Developer Conference 2006

That's right!  Joe, Phil and Eric have been working hard on getting the next conference up and running in Omaha, NE from 10.26 to 10.27.  I have signed up to speak again about [Insert Topic Here] in the [Insert Track Here] track.  Can't wait for it!  If you're interested in attending, register now!  Last year it sold out a month in advance!!

posted @ Tuesday, April 25, 2006 10:16 PM | Feedback (611)

ASP.NET RolePrincipal Weird Symptom

 A while back, I was working on a unified security model for a framework when I discovered this issue.  The gist of this unified model is the passing of our dear interface friend, System.Security.Principal.IPrincipal from the client to a component running on a remote server.   As I was testing this security model, I created a simple ASP.NET client application that used the new Role and Membership features.  I made a call to the component passing the Page.User property to check the serialization of the principal object that ASP.NET assigned to the property.  The type of the Page.User object when using the...

posted @ Friday, April 21, 2006 10:34 PM | Feedback (611)

Interop Wrappers

In the latest issue of MSDN Magazine, there is an article that deals with the exposure of .NET functionality to existing VB6 applications. The articles covers the use of the new COM Class item template that comes with VS2005 to expose functionality found in the new VB.NET My namespace language feature. The interop wrapper concept is a great way to allow your applications (both legacy COM and .NET) interact with one another with ease. Currently, at a client site, we're using the same wrapper concept to expose services (classes that inherit from System.EnterpriseServices.ServicedComponent) to VB6 clients. Although, a VB6 client...

posted @ Friday, April 21, 2006 10:29 PM | Feedback (611)

New W3C Standard: XmlHttpRequest

It was only a matter of time...check it out.  By way of Bertrand [MSFT].

posted @ Saturday, April 15, 2006 1:16 PM | Feedback (611)

ASP.NET Performance Checks

While looking through my blog roll, I bumped into these great posts by Tess that talk about ASP.NET memory consumption and performance. Why do you have set on your production server? Strong named assemblies should not be stored in the bin directory. Assemblies shared by multiple ASP.NET applications should be stored in the GAC. For more information on having a healthy production ASP.NET application, check out this post by Doug Stewart. A while back, Tim was wondering why strong-named assemblies are not supported in your /bin directory for an ASP.NET 1.1 application.  Well, Tim, you can now check out the reason why you had...

posted @ Saturday, April 15, 2006 1:13 PM | Feedback (611)

ASP.NET 2.0 Provider Source Code

ScottGu just posted that the ASP.NET team has released the source code for the ASP.NET 2.0 providers.  For documentation on these providers, you can check out the documentation by Jeff Prosise.

posted @ Thursday, April 13, 2006 9:46 PM | Feedback (613)

Atlas April CTP Released

The ASP.NET team has released the April CTP for Atlas.  Go get it!

posted @ Tuesday, April 11, 2006 10:58 PM | Feedback (614)

Declarative Polymorphism

Ok, so today I'm working on setting up a simple ASP.NET website to test the new membership and role features.  Well, in order to use the correct database through the ASP.NET configuration site, you have to remove the default registration of the LocalSqlServer connection string and re-add it with the correct database location.  In other words, <system.configuration>  <connectionStrings>    <remove name="LocalSqlServer" />    <add name="LocalSqlServer" connectionString="Server=(local); Initial Catalog=aspnetdb; Integrated Security=SSPI;" />  </connectionStrings></system.configuration> When I told Nick about this needed change, all he could said. "Well, it makes sense. It's Declarative Polymorphism! ;-)"  Another “one-liner” from Nick....

posted @ Tuesday, April 11, 2006 10:54 PM | Feedback (615)

Workaround for App_Offline.htm and IE6

ScottGu posts an interesting work around for the App_Offline.htm feature of ASP.NET 2.0. This feature allows you to put a filenamed App_Offline.htm in your root directory and ASP.NET once it sees it, it will shut-down the application (app domain, requests, etc.) and redirect all dynamic traffic to it. So your end users will see the friendly message you've placed inside App_Offline.htm. Well, it appears that the "Show friendly Http Errors" feature in IE6 prevents this from working correctly when the size of your App_Offline.htm file is less than 512 bytes. Work around? Well, make your file larger than 512 bytes. Yeah,...

posted @ Monday, April 10, 2006 9:23 PM | Feedback (649)

HttpModule for Validating XHTML in ASP.NET 2.0

A while back, Scott Hanselman posted a link to this same module. Now ScottGu, does the same. This module is pretty cool since it allows you to verify your HTML output with lots of ease (and most important, minimal code changes!). Have you written an interesting module, handler or extension to ASP.NET (v1.1 or v2.0)? If so, use to comments section to talk about it!

posted @ Monday, April 10, 2006 9:18 PM | Feedback (611)

Remoting Semantics for WCF

Doug Purdy posted some great information for using Remoting semantics (passing references and perserving object graphs) in Indigo.  Here are the main links: Perserving Object Graphs (Sowmy) Passing References (Michael)

posted @ Sunday, April 9, 2006 11:12 PM | Feedback (611)

MS Wants your Indigo Stuff

Clemens Vasters, Community Relations PM for Indigo, wants your WCF stuff (code, presentations, tutorial, articles, etc.) to fill up WCF's portal.  Check out his post if you have some samples you want to submit.

posted @ Sunday, April 9, 2006 10:57 PM | Feedback (611)

VS2005 Web Application Project RC1

You can now download RC1 for the Web Application Project for Visual Studio 2005.  This allows you to treat ASP.NET applications in VS2005 like back in the days of VS2003.  That's right, you can have an associated .csproj (or .vbproj) file for your project!  This new project type is quite useful for migrating large ASP.NET v1.1 applications (by large, I mean lots of pages and user/web controls) to v2.0 with ease.  To learn more about the Web Application Project (WAP), check out these great in-depth tutorials by ScottGu.

posted @ Friday, April 7, 2006 11:23 PM | Feedback (612)

C# Trivia Quiz

Eric Gunnerson posted earlier this week a simple C# Trivia quiz.  This quiz contained questions such as "How many loop constructs does C# have?" and "What was the name of .NET before it became .NET?".  Well, today he posted the answers to these questions.  Pretty interesting trivia information.  If you have the time, check it out.

posted @ Friday, April 7, 2006 7:07 PM | Feedback (680)

MVP Award

Earlier today I was notified that I've been selected for the Microsoft MVP Award in ASP.NET for 2006.  All I can say is that I'm deeply honored in being selected as a member of this fine community.  I can't wait to collaborate with the rest of my fellow MVPs and continue to help out the community both online and offline. My MVP Lead, Ben Miller, keeps a blog here, if you want to check it out.  I can't wait to help him to make the ASP.NET community better! Once again, thank you all for this great honor.

posted @ Tuesday, April 4, 2006 1:14 PM | Feedback (611)

20 Years Ago...

My little brother was born! Happy 20th Birtyday, Jon! Hope you have many more to come! Those of you that know my brother or just want to wish him a happy bday, use the comment section below.

posted @ Tuesday, April 4, 2006 12:45 PM | Feedback (613)

WinXP Hibernation Fix

Jeff Atwood has posted information on a hibernate hotfix for your PC.  If you have 1+ GB of memory and using hibernate, check it out.

posted @ Monday, April 3, 2006 11:09 PM | Feedback (611)

C# Application Markup Language (CSAML)

Just found this post from Charles Petzold that talks about a new language in the works called, C# Application Markup Language (CSAML).  Petzold has great information on this new language and states that he will have a book released sometime next year. The language looks pretty interesting.  What do you think?

posted @ Sunday, April 2, 2006 12:55 AM | Feedback (611)