Ok, so I'm really, really, really stupid! I like other people out there suffer from the always popular I-have-too-many-passwords (IH2MP) syndrome. Earlier this past weekend, I was trying to administer my blog and managed to forget the editor password so I could access the website. After several failed attempts, I searched the application folders of Windows Live Writer to see where my password was kept. It appears that by default, Live Writer stores its configuration information under the registry. To retrieve the configuration information correctly, you need to use their API. Here's a sample on how you can accomplish this:
using System;
using Microsoft.Win32;
using WindowsLive.Writer.BlogClient;
using WindowsLive.Writer.CoreServices.Settings;
namespace Lozanotek.Samples.WindowsLiveWriter
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
RegistrySettingsPersister persister =
new RegistrySettingsPersister(Registry.CurrentUser,
@"Software\Windows Live Writer\Weblogs\YOUR_BLOG_GUID_GOES_HERE");
SettingsPersisterHelper settings = new SettingsPersisterHelper(persister);
BlogCredentials creds = new BlogCredentials(settings);
Console.WriteLine("Username: {0}", creds.Username);
Console.WriteLine("Password: {0}", creds.Password);
See, pretty straight and forward! Now, if I could only stop forgetting my password... ;-)