We had a meeting with a customer today to discuss some design and implementation of a WinForms architecture. The funny part about this meeting was that every other word that came out of the attendees’ mouth was either enterprise, architecture, object oriented, methodologies, common controls, design patterns, etc.
I am not sure about you out there, but in the last year (or two), the words enterprise, architecture, services have become an integral part of meeting fluff. I remember that not too long ago, the words XML, n-tier, distributed applications, XSLT, web services were the big hype. Why do we have to come up with new buzz words every year? Have the marketing gurus for tech companies brainwash the way we think? I think so. What do you think?
On a side note, my new methodology Service Oriented XML Architecture For the Enterprise In DotNet (SOXAFTEIDN or SOXAEDN for short), is currently in the works with a 2006 projected release date. What does it do? I don’t know yet. But it ought to be good since the acronym is quite long. ;-)